Jillian's Journey

Follow us to China, on our journey to Jillian. - An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. ~An Ancient Chinese belief

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Routine, Routine, Routine.

Well, it been almost three weeks, short one day, since we have returned home, and we are just settling back into our usual routine, or should I say new family routine. The girls are both having their afternoon naps right now, which gives us a break & them a chance to re-charge. We find it certainly helps with their attitude & concentration during the day. Jennifer is still warming slowly towards Jill, as Jen was use to all the attention before, but now has to share the star light. Jen thought the other day that the dog (Jack), would make a better play mate, so when Kerri & Jill were upstairs attending to business, Jen thought Jack would make the ideal horse for her to ride. Jack didn't think much of it, and quickly & forcefully made it clear to Jen that the horse idea was definitely not a good thing. Jack yelped, Jen ended up on top of the couch, with five red teeth marks on her jaw and neck.(sounds worse that it was), of coarse Kerri & Jill flew downstairs to investigate the racket. Thankfully, old Jack (13yrs old), is a well tempered & trained dog (Lab.), and only "kissed" Jen, had it been any other dog, the story might have been much different. I am hoping this lesson (be it a tough one), has taught Jen some new respect for other dogs, and not just ours. It certainly has not made her afraid of Jack, which is good, because she was right back at him latter, giving him hugs & pullin his tail, feeding him.


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